"the One and Only"

Chinese stone carving dates back several thousand years. Today, the art of Chinese stone carving combines elements from the famous Shoushan stones of Fujian Province, as well as a Qingtian variety from Zhejiang Province, and selective stones from Inner-Mongolia.


These stones contain different natural colours that are emphasized in the artist’s designs. Each successful piece of stone art is comparable to a colourful three-dimensional picture, and includes the following significant features:


*   original, inimitable artistic design


*   a story of folklore, religion, history, heritage, tradition, or legend


*   collectors’ appeal for each item’s exclusive nature



Our goal is to introduce to the world’s collectors the newest and highest quality of Chinese stone art. The artists we represent are all professionally and academically trained. Each and every individual artist is experienced, with high integrity and creative talent. 


We are confident that our practice of selecting only the most beautiful stones and best artists will allow China Stone Art to be appreciated around the world, and to become the most sought after of unique treasures.

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