Our Artists

Heng-Yun LIN

Born in 1930 at Fuzhou, Fujian, Heng-yun LIN is one of the most outstanding Chinese stone sculpturing Masters.  His work “Seabed World”, which received the national prize in 1990, is a masterpiece of large sculpture and is widely accepted as a treasure of the artistry.  Afterwards, LIN studied bear sculpture for a long period of time.  The sculpture is shockingly lively.  LIN’s magical skill turns the most ordinary rocks into international treasure, his ethos against the emphasis of using precious stones by most artists and his courage and perseverance on raising the rank of ordinary color rocks is a true inspiration for fellow artists.  His achievement is also a new page in the history of Chinese stone art.



Born in 1954 at Fuzhou, Fujian.  Innovative but not a slave to fads, LIN follows tradition without being restrained by it.  His works are welcomed by collectors all around the world.



The themes of CHEN’s works are unconventional, large in variety, and rich in image and connotation.  Many later stone artists are still happy to follow the themes he created.  Being a respectable pioneer with an academic degree, Ben CHEN will forever be remembered in the history of Chinese Stone Art.


Ai-Zhu LIU

Born in 1948 in Fujian, China, LIU graduated in fine arts as an authentic representative of Shoushan Stone sculptors.  Specializing in relief style, two-dimensional and circular sculptures, LIU was taught by “Eastern Gate” and “Western Gate” to develop the best of both traditional schools.

On the one hand, she uses portraits to focus her pieces in classic relief style; on the other hand, she uses precise images with a fluid, expert technique to fashion some of the most beautiful and lively pictures in stone art.  Thus, she develops her own highly original and innovative designs.

Apart from devoting time to her creations, LIU is also a dedicated teacher to young artists.  Her deep devotion and dedication to the arts go beyond fame and fortune.  Her integrity, which stands out like a breeze in hot air, has been greatly appreciated by the public.


Dong LIN

The style of LIN’s work emphasizes both seriousness and humour, which is unique and appreciated by collectors.  His skills in recent years have greatly progressed with both “traditional” and “modern” influences, clearly shown in his repertoire.


Xiang-Ren GUO

Born in 1960, in Fuzhou, Fujian, GUO learned stone sculpturing from his father, Master Gong-sen GUO.  As a specialist in signet sculpturing and mascots, GUO adds imagination and innovation to traditional techniques, which make his works unconventionally graceful, simple and vivid.


Yong-Yuan LIN

A complacent student of Shoushan Master Bao-ting ZHOU, LIN has a modest and humble personality like his teacher.  His style follows the way ZHOU emphasizes: “simple and classical, not keen on angles.”



Known and signing off his work as “Pillow Stone Old Man”, was born in Luoyan, Fujian Province.  He is regarded as one of the most outstanding contemporary stone sculptors trained in the traditional art in China.  His biography has been included in such references as Anthology or World Artists and Encyclopedia of Outstanding World Talents.  Deeply steeped in the Chinese tradition, he has, however, constantly explored contemporary development to achieve a unique personal style.  Some of his works have been recognized in the top international circle.


Feng-Tian ZHOU

Also known as “Fun Ten”, ZHOU was born in 1973, in Fujian, China.  He is one of the most outstanding artists among the younger generation.  Taught by Zhao-chun LIN at an early age, and later studying independently with natural genius, ZHOU focused on circular sculpture, skillfully interpreting the philosophies of “Buddhism” and “Taoism”.  His latest achievement, the “Three Dimensional Landscape” based on classic poetry, particularly makes him stand out from the crowd.  In time, Fun Ten will be world known!



Born in 1977, in Fujian, China, CHEN graduated from Fujian Fine Arts College.  Another outstanding artist of his generation, CHEN specializes in circular sculpture and displays exceptional skill with colours of the stone.  Like a god-send, he never fails to impress or surprise his audience with his innovative style and technique.  His achievement is getting well known.


Jin-Hui ZHOU

Also known as “Lam Shek”, ZHOU was born 1976 in Fujian, China.  Taught by Zhao-chun LIN, he also benefited from the critical influence of Fei LIN.  He is a well-rounded talent, specializing in portrait construction.  His style in sculpting “Ancient Lady” is especially remarkable.


Gao-Biao ZHOU

Also known as “Art Shek”, ZHOU was born 1975, in Fujian, China.  Taught by Zhao-chun LIN, ZHOU’s diligence and sharp-wit are evident in his broadly styled creations, which range from circular to two-dimensional sculptures.  This is another talented artist not to be missed.



Born 1973 in Fujian, China, GUAN graduated from Fujian Fine Arts College.  He not only studied under Dong-hai CHENG, but was also tutored by the famous artist Don LIU.  His assertive designs specialize in sculpting insects, birds, and wild animals.



Born 1977 in Fujian, China, YEH was a student of the famous artist Don LIU, and was tutored and influenced by Dong LIN.  Specializing in two-dimensional sculpture, YEH often comes up with surprising ideas.  Being the youngest of the “Magnificent Seven of Shoushan”, this artist demonstrates great potential.



Also known as “Yi Ming”, WANG was born 1975 in Fujian, China.  He was a disciple of well-known teacher Han LUO.  Modest, hard working, sharp and observant, WANG’s works are full of creativity and modern effects.  Together with Fun TEN, Ken CHEN, Lam SHEK, Art SHEK, Doug GUAN, and Key YEH are called “Magnificent Seven of Shoushan”.












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